


    Shoplive Pluginのさまざまなオプションを使用したサンプル

    • messageCallback を使用して、DOWNLOAD_COUPONCLICK_PRODUCTLOGIN_REQUIREDなどのイベントの動作をオーバーライドします。

    • Shoplive Pluginを使用して、ライブ配信プレイヤーと放送一覧を画面に表示します。


        <title>Shoplive - Simple Shoplive Plugin example</title>
          content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, viewport-fit=cover, shrink-to-fit=no"
          let messageCallback = {
            DOWNLOAD_COUPON: function (payload) {
              // get Current Player
              var player = cloud.shoplive.getPlayer();
              // if, ONAIR player
              if (
                player.campaignStatus === "ONAIR" &&
                player.campaignKey === payload.campaignKey
              ) {
                // copy to clipboard
                var textarea = document.createElement("textarea");
                textarea.value = payload.coupon;
                // Show Dialog
                player.sendMessage("showDialog", {
                  title: "Copy to clipboard completed.",
                  message: payload.coupon,
            CLICK_PRODUCT: function (payload) {
              // You can add a new parameter to the URL of the clicked product.
              var url = payload.url + "&parameter=" + "{your_parameter}";
              // The product page will be opened in the current window.
              location.href = url;
            LOGIN_REQUIRED: function (payload) {
              location.href = "YOUR_LOGIN_PAGE_URL";
            accessKey: "{YOUR_ACCESS_KEY}",
            messageCallback: messageCallback,
          let userId = "USER_ID";
          let userName = "USER_NAME";
          if (userId) {
            cloud.shoplive.setUserObject({ userId: userId, userName: userName });
        <div id="shoplive-overall-area"></div>
        <script defer>

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