Shortform Preview (PIP Mode) Integration

    Shortform Preview (PIP Mode) Integration

    Article summary

    Shortform videos can be embedded in product detail pages as PIP-style video banners.

    Quick integration


    Here are examples of how you can initialize the Shoplive Shortform without user authentication, simple authentication, and JWT token authentication. You can install with desired auth type of initialization code in common layout. (head area, etc.)

    Access Key

    Access key and secret key can be obtained from Shoplive representative.

    <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
    <script>cloud.shoplive.initShortform({ accessKey: 'YOUR ACCESS KEY HERE' });</script>
    <!-- OR -->
    //Simple auth
    <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
      cloud.shoplive.initShortform({ accessKey: 'YOUR ACCESS KEY HERE' });
      cloud.shoplive.setUserObject({userId: "USER_ID", userName: "USER_NAME"});
    <!-- OR -->
    //JWT auth
    <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
      cloud.shoplive.initShortform({ accessKey: 'YOUR ACCESS KEY HERE' });

    Insert the Shortform Preview code

    Install the below code. (e.g. Common layout of product detail page)

    <script defer>

    The function analyzes the URL called and displays related Shortform videos as PIP-style video banners. (If the product cannot be inferred from the URL, the video banner will not be displayed.)

    Please check the product URL and actual landing URL

    If the product URL and the actual landing page URL are different, Shortform Preview may not be displayed.

    If you have any problems displaying Shortform Preview, please contact the Shoplive representative.e.g.

    Advanced integration

    SKU-based shortform preview

    Only display shortform videos that contain a specific SKU as PIP-style video banners

    <script defer>
        sku: "SKU"

    Tag-Based shortform Preview

    Only display shortform videos that contain a specific tag (5 tags maximum) as PIP-style video banners

    <script defer>
        tags: ["YOUR_TAG1", "YOUR_TAG2"]

    When configuring related shortform with multiple tags, you can add the tagSearchOperator="AND" option to configure a condition that includes all of the tags (AND condition)

    <script defer>
        tags: ["YOUR_TAG1", "YOUR_TAG2"],
        tagSearchOperator: "AND"

    Brand-based shortform preview

    Only display shortform videos that contain a specific brand(5 brands maximum) as PIP-style video banners

    <script defer>

    Validity period of closing the shotform preview

    Define the validity period for the close button on the shortform preview

    When the user closes the shortform preview, define the duration during which the shortform preview will not be shown upon refresh. If no specific settings are configured, once the preview is closed, it will remain closed for the duration of that session. (A new session begins when the browser is closed or accessed from a new tab)

    • The preview will not be shown to users who used the close button for the defined duration in minutes, and it will be displayed again after this time elapses.

    • This remains valid even if the browser is restarted or tabs are switched.

    • If closePolicyExpiry is not defined, users who used the close button will not see the preview upon refresh for the duration of the browser session. (Unlike when closePolicyExpiry is used, the preview will be shown again in a new tab)

    Not to show the preview for one day to users who have closed the shortform preview

    <script defer>
         closePolicyExpiry: 1440 //Define that the shortform preview will not open for 1440 minutes (1 day).

    To show the preview upon refresh to users who have closed the shortform preview

    <script defer>
         closePolicyExpiry: 0 //The shortform preview will not open for 0 minutes, meaning it can be shown again upon refresh.