Publishing the campaign (Plugin∙API)

    Publishing the campaign (Plugin∙API)

    Article summary

    You can use the APIs provided by Shoplive to query detailed information of the campaign and utilize this to structure live and replay pages. Feel free to compose your live pages using the Shoplive API.

    API·Plugin settings

    Using the campaign list query API

    The visibility of a particular campaign when querying the campaign list via the API can be set through the API·Plugin setting available on the campaign detail page.

    The campaign is not visible on the page. What should I do?

    When a new campaign is added, this option is created as Off. If not made public, the campaign will not be included in the API list. It will be excluded from the campaign list query and will not be displayed in the page.

    Using Shoplive plugin

    You can set the visibility within the Shoplive Plugin page through the API·Plugin setting on the campaign detail page.

    The campaign is not visible in the Shoplive Plugin. What should I do?

    When a new campaign is added, this option is created as Off.

    When you want to expose the campaign to users, change this setting to public and click the ‘Save’, Then the campaign will be displayed in the Plugin page.

    Replay settings

    When the campaign ends, a replay video is created. You must make the replay public for users to rewatch the campaign. For how to make a replay public on the Shoplive Admin page, refer to the Replay settings.



    API·Plugin Public

    Replay Public

    Campaign visible in collection list and on Shoplive Plugin

    Replay of the campaign is viewable

    API·Plugin Public

    Replay Private

    Campaign visible in collection list and on Shoplive Plugin

    Replay of the campaign is not viewable

    API·Plugin Private

    Replay Public

    Campaign not visible in collection list and on Shoplive Plugin

    Replay of the campaign is viewable (requires access point like campaign URL)

    API·Plugin Private

    Replay Private

    Campaign not visible in collection list and on Shoplive Plugin

    Replay of the campaign is not viewable

    I have set the API·Plugin option to the public, but users are unable to watch the replay of the campaign listed. What should I do?

    Even if you make the Plugin·API public, if the replay is set to private, users can see the video in the page but cannot play it. Set the replay to public.