Step1. Installing the SDK
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Step1. Installing the SDK
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You should register
Register the ShopLive.setHandler to implement your business logic on each button clicks. Refer to the Handler registration guide.
Select a library
You can import Live library, Integrated library, or individual library components separately upon your needs.
Live library
dependencies {
def shoplive_sdk_version = "1.6.2"
// Shoplive live player
implementation "cloud.shoplive:shoplive-sdk:$shoplive_sdk_version"
Integrated library
dependencies {
def shoplive_sdk_version = "1.6.2"
// Shoplive combined packaging
implementation "cloud.shoplive:shoplive-sdk-all:$shoplive_sdk_version" // live + short-form
Individual library components
dependencies {
def shoplive_sdk_version = "1.6.2"
def your_exoplayer_version = "2.19.1"
def your_media3_version = "1.4.1"
def shoplive_exoplayer_version = your_exoplayer_version + "." + "8"
def shoplive_media3_version = your_media3_version + "." + "8"
// Shoplive split packaging
implementation "cloud.shoplive:shoplive-common:$shoplive_sdk_version" // must required
implementation "cloud.shoplive:shoplive-exoplayer:$shoplive_exoplayer_version" // must required
// When using media3. Exoplayer will be deprecated soon.
// implementation "cloud.shoplive:shoplive-media3:$shoplive_media3_version"
implementation "cloud.shoplive:shoplive-network:$shoplive_sdk_version" // must required
implementation "cloud.shoplive:shoplive-sdk-core:$shoplive_sdk_version" // for live player
implementation "cloud.shoplive:shoplive-short-form:$shoplive_sdk_version" // for short-form player
Register a Handler
to receive multiple events from the Shoplive Android SDK.
Add Proguard Rule
If you do an R8 Build, you may run into obfuscation issues, add the following:
-keep public class cloud.shoplive.** { *; }
-dontwarn cloud.shoplive.**
-keep class org.json.** { *; }