Data Insights

    Data Insights

    Article summary

    Shoplive's Data Insights allows you to view campaign statistics. When a campaign is in progress or has ended, statistics can be checked in Data Insights of the campaign detailed information, and all detailed data can be downloaded as an Excel file.





    Page views

    Total number of live page views (Including the count of repeated views by the same viewer)


    Total number of viewers that participated in the campaign

    Login viewer

    Number of campaign viewers that logged in

    Peak concurrent viewers

    Highest number of viewers that were simultaneously watching the campaign

    New login viewers

    Number of login users(member) that joined live for the first time

    Average viewing time

    Average viewing time per viewer

    Total viewing time

    Total time the campaign was watched across all viewers





    Total number of likes

    Likes viewers

    Number of viewers that clicked like at least once

    Viewer average likes

    Average likes per likes viewers


    Total number of chats to viewers (Excludes unsent chats such as banned words, chat spamming etc.)

    Chat viewers

    Viewers who sent a chat at least once

    Average chat

    Average number of chats per chat viewer





    This shows the total number of clicks on product card or led to product details.


    This shows the number of users that have clicked product card or visited product details at least once.

    Average clicks

    The average number of clicks by users who clicked product card or visited product details at least once.

    Banner clicks

    This shows the number of product banner clicks.

    Data download

    Total viewers, login viewers




    This is the unique identifier created by Shoplive.

    User ID

    This is the user ID of the login user.


    This is the user name information linked with the user authentication.


    This is the gender information linked with the user authentication.


    This is the age information linked with the user authentication.

    First live login time

    This shows the first live login time of the user. The first login time will remain the same even if the user logs in more than once to the same campaign.

    Number of live logins

    This is the number of live logins of the user. This is the sum of the first login and the number of reconnections after having left the campaign.

    Cumulative live login duration

    This the the cumulative amount of time the user watched the campaign.

    Number of live chats

    This is the number of chats the user sent during the campaign.

    Number of live likes

    This is the number of likes the user sent during the campaign.

    Number of live product banner clicks

    This is the number of clicks the user clicked the product list banner.

    Number of live product clicks

    This is the sum of the number of clicks on the product and on the product details during the campaign.

    Number of live coupon clicks

    This is the number of clicks on the coupon during the campaign.

    First replay login time

    This shows the first replay login time of the user.

    Number of replay logins

    This is the number of times the user accessed replays.

    It is the sum of the first visit and the number of reconnections after having left the campaign.

    Cumulative replay login duration

    This is the cumulative amount of time the user watched replays of the campaign.

    Number of replay likes

    This is the number of likes that user sent in the campaign replay.

    Number of replay product banner clicks

    This is the number of clicks the user clicked the product list banner in the campaign replay.

    Number of replay product clicks

    This is the sum of the number of clicks on the product and on the product details during the campaign replay.

    Number of replay coupon clicks

    This is the number of clicks on the coupon during the campaign replay.

    Live stream viewing

    This shows whether or not the user watched the campaign live (O, X).

    Replay viewing

    This shows whether or not the user watched the campaign replay.

    Custom data

    This is a custom data item linked with user authentication.


    This is the miscellaneous category for customers that have been consulted with Shoplive as needed.

    All chats



    Chat time

    This is the time the chat was written.


    This is the unique identifier created by Shoplive.

    User ID

    This is the user ID of the login user.


    This is the username information of the chat sender.


    This is the chat message.

    Deletion Status

    The deletion status of the user's chat message.


    The content of the reply

    Reply Time

    The time when the reply was made.

    Reply Admin

    Information about the admin who made the reply.

    Highlighted chats



    Highlight time

    This is the time the admin highlighted the chat.

    Chat time

    This is the time the chat was written.


    This is the unique identifier created by Shoplive.

    User ID

    This is the user ID of the login user.


    This is the username of the chat sender.


    This is the chat message.


    This is the admin that highlighted the chat.

    Filtered chats



    Chat time

    This is the time the chat was written.


    This is the unique identifier created by Shoplive.

    User ID

    This is the user ID of the login user.


    This is the username of the chat sender.


    This is the chat message.

    Banned words

    These are banned words that have been filtered.


    This is the reason the chat was filtered. (report list required)

    Product clicks



    Product name

    This is the clicked product name.

    Product URL

    This is the URL of the clicked product.

    Product code

    This is the SKU of the clicked product.


    This is the unique identifier created by Shoplive.

    User ID

    This is the user ID of the login user.


    This is the time the product was clicked.

    Click type

    This is the click type (product card, product details) categorization.

    Product banner clicks




    This is the unique identifier created by Shoplive.

    User ID

    This is the user ID of the login user.


    This is the time the product was clicked.

    Saved chats



    Saved time

    This is the time the admin saved the chat.

    Chat time

    This is the time the chat was written.


    This is the unique identifier created by Shoplive.

    User ID

    This is the user ID of the login user.


    This is the username of the user that sent the chat.


    This is the message that was sent.


    This is the admin that saved the chat.

    Event winners



    Campaign key

    This is the campaign key for the event.

    Campaign title

    This is the campaign title of the event.

    Pop-up ID

    This is the pop-up ID of the event.

    Pop-up title

    This is the pop-up title of the event.

    Selected time

    This is the time the winner of the event was selected and saved.


    This is the unique identifier created by Shoplive.

    User ID

    This is the user ID of the login user.


    This is the username information linked to the user authentication.

    Announcement time

    This is the announcement time of the event winner.

    Quiz participants



    Campaign key

    This is the quiz campaign key.

    Campaign title

    This is the quiz campaign title.

    Quiz type

    This is the quiz type (quiz, survey).

    Quiz ID

    This is the pop-up ID of the quiz.

    Quiz title

    This is the quiz title.

    Quiz start time

    This is the time the quiz started.


    This is the unique identifier created by Shoplive.

    User ID

    This is the user ID of the login user.


    This is the username information linked with the user authentication.


    This is the gender information linked with the user authentication.


    This is the age information linked with the user authentication.

    Response time

    This is the time the response was entered (ISO 8601).

    Response timestamp

    This is the UNIX timestamp value to the nearest millisecond.

    Selected answer number

    This is the selected answer number.

    Selected answer

    This is the selected answer.


    This is whether the answer is correct or incorrect (O, X).

    Quiz winners



    Campaign key

    This is the quiz campaign key.

    Campaign title

    This is the quiz campaign title.

    Quiz ID

    This is the pop-up ID of the quiz.

    Quiz title

    This is the quiz title.

    Selection time

    This is the time the quiz winner was selected.


    This is the unique identifier created by Shoplive.

    User ID

    This is the user ID of the login user.


    This is the username linked with the user authentication.


    This is the gender information linked with the user authentication.


    This is the age information linked with the user authentication.

    Auction participants

    Available when using the auction function



    Campaign key

    This is the auction campaign key.

    Campaign title

    This is the auction campaign title.

    Product ID

    This is the auction product ID.

    Product title

    This is the auction product name.

    Product SKU

    This is the SKU of the auction product.

    Product URL

    This is the URL of the auction product.

    Starting bid

    This is the starting bid price of the product.

    Starting time

    This is the auction starting time of the product.


    This is the unique identifier created by Shoplive.

    User ID

    This is the user ID of the login user.


    This is the username information linked with the user authentication.


    This is the gender information linked with the user authentication.


    This is the age information linked with the user authentication.

    Number of bids

    This is the number of bids that took place.

    Bid price

    This is the bid price.


    This is the currency of the product.

    Bid result

    This is the bid result (accepted, rejected).

    Bid time

    This is the time the bid was made.

    Auction winners

    Available when using the auction function



    Campaign key

    This is the auction campaign key information.

    Campaign title

    This is the auction campaign title.

    Product ID

    This is the auction product ID.

    Product title

    This is the auction product title.

    Product SKU

    This is the auction product SKU code.

    Product URL

    This is the auction product URL.

    Purchasing scheme

    This is a separate scheme to send a callback to the winner.

    (Please consult with a ShopLive representative to use the scheme is required.)

    Starting bid

    This is the starting bid of the auction product.

    Start time

    This is the start time of the auction product.


    This is the unique identifier created by Shoplive.

    User ID

    This is the login user ID.


    This is the username information linked with the user authentication.


    This is the gender information linked with the user authentication.


    This is the age information linked with the user authentication.

    Number of bids

    This is the number of time a bid was made.

    Hammer price

    This is the price at which the item was sold.


    This is the currency of the product.

    Winning bid time

    This is the time the winning bid was made.

    Full video



    Full video

    This is the original full version of the transmitted video. It does not include UI elements such as chats.