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ShopLiveShortformEditorSDK Delegate
This is a delegate that allows you to receive events that occur when you use ShopLiveVideoEditor.
onShopLiveVideoEditorError(error : ShopLiveCommonError)
You may receive an error that occurs inside the ShopLiveShortformEditorSDK.
onShopLiveVideoEditorVideoConvertSuccess(videoPath : String)
After the video is transcoded, you will receive the videoPath of the output.
The results of the transcoded video are temporarily stored on the app's disk.
When you're done using the deliverables, call the SLFileManager.deleteFFMpegDirectoryFiles() function to manage the memory on your app's disk.
onShopLiveShortformEditorUploadSuccess(shortsId : String)
If you successfully create a shortform, you will receive the ID of the generated Shortform.
ShopLiveVideoEditor is called when the operation is interrupted by a backbutton, for example.
This is a delegate that allows you to receive events that occur when you use ShopLiveCoverPicker.
onShopLiveCoverPickerError(error : ShopLiveCommonError)
You may receive an error that occurs inside the ShopLiveShortformEditorSDK.
onShopLiveCoverPickerCoverImageSuccess(image : UIImage?)
After the video is transcoded, you will receive the videoPath of the output.
The results of the transcoded video are temporarily stored on the app's disk.
When you're done using the deliverables, call the SLFileManager.deleteFFMpegDirectoryFiles() function to manage the memory on your app's disk.
onShopLiveCoverPickerUploadSuccess(shortsId : String)
If you successfully create a cover for your shortform, you will receive the ID of the generated Shortform.
ShopLiveCoverPicker is called when the operation is interrupted in the middle of the operation, such as by a back button.
This is a delegate that allows you to receive events that occur when you use ShopLiveMediaPicker.
onShopLiveMediaPickerError(error : ShopLiveCommonError)
You may receive an error that occurs inside the ShopLiveShortformEditorSDK.
onShopLiveMediaPickerDidPickVideo(absoluteUrl : URL, relativeUrl : URL)
You'll receive a URL to the video output of your choice.
onShopLiveMediaPickerDidPickImage(imageUrl : URL)
You will receive a URL to the selected image deliverable.
ShopLiveMediaPicker is called when the operation is interrupted by a reason, such as a back button.