Configuration of brand follow status

    Configuration of brand follow status

    Article summary

    In Shoplive Player, you can use the function to like (follow) brands registered by your customers.  If you activate this function, a like (follow) button along with the brand image will be displayed within the Shoplive Player. The status of the button is synced to the customer data set by the customer company.

    In order to integrate this function, consultation with Shop Live is required. For further details, please contact to ShopLive at to enable this feature.

    Display the Brand likes (follow) button

    var user = ShopLiveCommonuser(userId : "harry", name : "potter", custom : ["key" : "AnyType value"])
    ShopLive.user = user

    Callback for the Brand likes (follow) button click event

    func handleReceivedCommand(_ command: String, with payload: Any?) {
            switch command {
            case "ON_CHANGED_BRAND_FAVORITE":
                guard let parameters = payload as? [String: Any],
                      let favorite = parameters["favorite"] as? Bool,
                      let identifier = parameters["identifier"] as? String else {
                print("[command = ON_CHANGED_BRAND_FAVORITE] \n identifier: \(identifier)\nfavorite \(favorite)")
                guard let parameters = payload as? [String: Any],
                      let favorite = parameters["favorite"] as? Bool,
                      let identifier = parameters["identifier"] as? String else {
                print("[command = ON_CLICK_BRAND_FAVORITE_BUTTON] \n identifier: \(identifier)\nfavorite \(favorite)")

    Pass the settings of the Brand likes (follow) to Shoplive Player

    You can sync the brand like (follow) status by sending the user's brand like (follow) status to the Shoplive Player.

    let result = ["identifier" : "brand-identifier", "favorite" : false]
    ShopLive.sendCommandMessage(command: "SET_BRAND_FAVORITE", payload: result)