- Print
Editor Integration
- Print
Select Library
Choose from Live, integrated, or partitioned libraries to add them.
Integrated library
dependencies {
def shoplive_sdk_version = "1.6.2"
// Shoplive combined packaging
implementation "cloud.shoplive:shoplive-sdk-all:$shoplive_sdk_version" // live + short-form + editor
Partitioned Library
dependencies {
def shoplive_sdk_version = "1.6.2"
def your_exoplayer_version = "2.19.1"
def your_media3_version = "1.4.1"
def shoplive_exoplayer_version = your_exoplayer_version + "." + "8"
def shoplive_media3_version = your_media3_version + "." + "8"
// Shoplive split packaging
implementation "cloud.shoplive:shoplive-common:$shoplive_sdk_version" // must required
implementation "cloud.shoplive:shoplive-exoplayer:$shoplive_exoplayer_version" // must required
// When using media3. Exoplayer will be deprecated soon.
// https://developer.android.com/guide/topics/media/media3/getting-started/migration-guide
// implementation "cloud.shoplive:shoplive-media3:$shoplive_media3_version"
implementation "cloud.shoplive:shoplive-network:$shoplive_sdk_version" // must required
implementation "cloud.shoplive:shoplive-filter:$shoplive_sdk_version" // for short-form editor
implementation "cloud.shoplive:shoplive-video-editor:$shoplive_sdk_version" // for short-form editor
implementation "cloud.shoplive:shoplive-sdk-core:$shoplive_sdk_version" // for live player
implementation "cloud.shoplive:shoplive-short-form:$shoplive_sdk_version" // for short-form player
Add Proguard Rule
If you do an R8 Build, you may run into obfuscation issues. Please add the following:
-keep public class cloud.shoplive.** { *; }
-dontwarn cloud.shoplive.**
-keep class org.json.** { *; }
-keep class com.google.gson.** { *; }
Applying an AccessKey
ShopLiveCommon.setAccessKey("your accessKey")
Access Key
Access key and secret key can be provided to you from a ShopLive representative.
Add a largeHeap
Low-end devices may encounter memory-related problems. AndroidManifest.xml Please add the following:
JNI Conflict
2 files found with path 'lib/arm64-v8a/libc++_shared.so' from inputs
If there is a conflict, please add the following to your build.gradle:
android {
packagingOptions {
Property name | Type | Description |
maxVideoDuration | Long | Maximum Video Duration milliseconds (Default: 600000) |
minVideoDuration | Long | Minimum Video Duration milliseconds (Default: 1000) |
isCreatedShortform | Boolean | Ability to create a short-form directly (Default: true) |
outputVideoQuality | ShopLiveVideoEditorVideoQuality | Ability to select the quality of the output video (Default: NORMAL) |
outputResolution | ShopLiveVideoEditorResolution | Ability to select the resolution of the output video (Default: RESOLUTION_720) |
aspectRatio | ShopLiveShortformEditorAspectRatio | Ability to select the aspect ratio of the Crop function |
visibleActionButton | ShopLiveShortformEditorVisibleActionButton | Ability to choose the features of the video editor |
Property name | Type | Description |
width | Int | Crop width ratio (Default: 9) |
height | Int | Crop height ratio (Default: 16) |
isFixed | Boolean | Ability to maintain crop aspect ratio (Default: false) |
Property name | Type | Description |
isUsedFilterButton | Boolean | Ability to use Video's filters (Default: true) |
isUsedVolumeButton | Boolean | Available function to adjust the volume of the video (Default: true) |
isUsedPlaybackSpeedButton | Boolean | Ability to use the button to adjust the speed of the video (Default: true) |
isUsedCropButton | Boolean | Ability to use the button to resize the video (Default: true) |
Handler Settings
class ShopLiveVideoEditorHandler {
open fun onSuccess(videoEditorActivity: ComponentActivity, result: ShopLiveEditorResultData) {
// Do something
open fun onEvent(
context: Context,
command: String,
payload: Map<String, Any?>
) {
// Do something
open fun onError(error: ShopLiveCommonError) {
// Do something
open fun onCancel() {
// Do something
Property name | Type | Description |
shortsId | String? | The value of the generated shortsId (this can be checked when the property isCreatedShortform in data is true) |
localVideoUri | Uri | Generated Local Video uri |
localCoverImageUri | Uri | Generated Local Cover uri |
remoteOriginVideoUrl | String? | Remote source Video url generated (can be checked when the data property isCreatedShortform is true) |
remoteCoverImageUrl | String? | Generated Remote Cover url, first frame (can be checked when the property isCreatedShortform in data is true) |
width | Int | width of the generated video |
height | Int | Height of the generated video |
duration | Long | Duration of the generated video |
Launch the Video editor
This is used when using Media from the gallery.
data class ShopLiveEditorLocalData(
override val uri: Uri?,
) : ShopLiveEditorBaseData(uri)
This is used when using the camera.
data class ShopLiveEditorCameraData(
override val uri: Uri?,
) : ShopLiveEditorBaseData(uri)
.setHandler(object : ShopLiveVideoEditorHandler() {
override fun onSuccess(
videoEditorActivity: ComponentActivity,
result: ShopLiveEditorResultData
) {
super.onSuccess(videoEditorActivity, result)
override fun onError(error: ShopLiveCommonError) {
override fun onCancel() {
Property name | Type | Description |
shortsId | String? | Ability to update the cover corresponding to the shortsId |
aspectRatio | ShopLiveShortformEditorAspectRatio | Ability to select the aspect ratio of the Crop function |
visibleActionButton | ShopLiveCoverPickerVisibleActionButton | Ability to choose the function of the cover picker |
Property name | Type | Description |
width | Int | Crop width ratio (Default: 9) |
height | Int | Crop height ratio (Default: 16) |
isFixed | Boolean | Ability to maintain crop aspect ratio (Default: false) |
Property name | Type | Description |
isUsedCropButton | Boolean | Ability to use the button to resize the video (Default: true) |