Configuration for custom playlist

    Configuration for custom playlist

    Article summary

    We provide a feature that allows you to create and customize your own Shortform playlist.

    • You can arrange the order of items in your Shortform list as desired and play them in that sequence.

    • You can also add items to the playlist while Shortform content is playing.

    • When the Shortform playlist reaches its end, a MessageCallback is provided to append a new list.

    Make a shortform playlist in the custom order

    Construct a playlist using the shortformId received through the Shortform API and play them in order. Refer to the following guides for more information.

    Sample code

    // Construct the playlist using the Shortform ID
    var ids = ["ID1", "ID2", "ID3", "ID4", "ID5"];
    // Set the startIndex where playback begins
    var startIndex = 2;
    cloud.shoplive.showShortformPlayerModal( { ids:ids, startIndex:startIndex } );

    Parameter name





    An array of shortformIds (Maximum number: 30)



    The index at which play starts in the ids array

    Add the shortform playlist to the feed

    var ids= ["ID6", "ID7", "ID8"];  
    cloud.shoplive.shortformPlayerAppendList( { ids:ids } );

    Parameter name





    An array of shortformIds to be added (up to 30 )

    MessageCallback when the playlist reaches the end

    The name of the messageCallback is NEEDS_SHORTFORM_LIST_MORE. Refer to the following guides for more information.

    var messageCallback = {
      NEEDS_SHORTFORM_LIST_MORE: function(payload) {
        console.log("Reached the last shortform in the shortform player");
        console.log("Complete list of the current player feed: ", payload.shortsList);
        console.log("Index of the currently displayed shortform: ", payload.index);
        // Add items to the current feed
        var ids = ["ID6", "ID7", "ID8"];
        cloud.shoplive.shortformPlayerAppendList({ ids }); 
    cloud.shoplive.initShortform({ accessKey: "ACCESS_KEY", messageCallback: messageCallback });

    messageCallback payload

    Property name





    The index of the currently displayed shortform.



    The array of shortforms that make up the current player feed.

    Sample code

    An example of using a local service with the Shortform API to load and play  shortformIds , and append additional  shortformIds  once the list is fully played

    <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
    <div id="shoplive-shortform"></div>
      const ACCESS_KEY = "<YOUR_ACCESS_KEY>";
      let startIndex = 0;
      // Define the callback to be executed when reaching the last shortform in the list
      let messageCallback = {
        NEEDS_SHORTFORM_LIST_MORE: async function (payload) {
          console.log("Reached the last shortform in the shortform player");
          // Fetch new shortform IDs and append them to the shortform play list
          const ids = await getShortformId();
          cloud.shoplive.shortformPlayerAppendList({ ids });
      // Initialize shortform
        accessKey: ACCESS_KEY,
        messageCallback: messageCallback,
      // Fetch shortform IDs using an internal service with the Shortform API
      const getShortformId = (function () {
        let page = 1;
        return function () {
          return fetch(`<API_SERVICE_ADDRESS>?page=${page}`)
            .then((response) => response.json())
            .then((data) => {
              const shortformIds = => String(e.shortformId));
              // Increment the page number for subsequent calls
              return shortformIds;
      // Fetch the list of IDs and play from the startIndex shortform
      async function showPlayer() {
        const ids = await getShortformId();
        cloud.shoplive.showShortformPlayerModal({ ids: ids, startIndex: startIndex });