Collection Configuration

    Collection Configuration

    Article summary

    You can configure your shortform collection in any form you want.


    <div id="shoplive-shortform"></div>
    <script defer>


    <div id="shoplive-shortform"></div>
    <script defer>
      cloud.shoplive.setShortformCollection("shoplive-shortform", {
        template: "GRID1",                      // "GRID1" | "GRID2" | "HORIZONTAL"
        sku: ["SKU1", "SKU2"],                  // (optional) array of one or more sku identifiers
        brands: ["BRAND_IDENTIFIER1","BRAND_IDENTIFIER2"],      // (optional) array of one or more brand identifiers
        tags: ["TAG1", "TAG2", "TAG3"],         // (optional) array of one or more tags.
        shuffle: false,                         // (optional) random order, true | false
        shortformCollectionId: "SHORTFORM_GROUP_ID",            // (optional) groupId of a specific shorform group
        sortProperty: "viewCount",              // (optional) "likeCount" | "viewCount" | "commentCount" | "shareCount" | "bookmarkCount"
        sortDirection: "desc"                   // (optional) "asc" | "desc"


    You can configure a collection of associated Shortforms using single or multiple SKU values.

    <div id="shoplive-shortform"></div>
    <script defer>
      cloud.shoplive.setShortformCollection("shoplive-shortform", { 
        skus: ["SKU1", "SKU2"] 


    You can configure Shortform collections using tags set for each content.

    Single tag

    You can configure a collection using a single tag.

    <div id="shoplive-shortform"></div>
    <script defer>
      cloud.shoplive.setShortformCollection("shoplive-shortform", { 
        tags: ["TAG"] 

    Multiple tags

    You can configure collections using search criteria that include multiple tags. You can set up to a maximum of 5 tags, and they operate in OR mode.

    <div id="shoplive-shortform"></div>
    <script defer>
      cloud.shoplive.setShortformCollection("shoplive-shortform", { 
        tags: ["TAG1", "TAG2", "TAG3", "TAG4", "TAG5"] 

    When configuring a shortform collection with multiple tags, you can add the tagSearchOperator="AND" option to configure them as a condition that includes all of the tags (AND condition).

    <div id="shoplive-shortform"></div>
    <script defer>
      cloud.shoplive.setShortformCollection("shoplive-shortform", { 
        tags: ["TAG1", "TAG2"],
        tagSearchOperator: "AND"


    You can create brand-specific collections using the 'identifier' of the brand set for each content.

    Single brand

    You can configure a collection using a single brand identifier.

    <div id="shoplive-shortform"></div>
    <script defer>
      cloud.shoplive.setShortformCollection("shoplive-shortform", { 
        brands: ["BRAND_IDENTIFIER"] 

    Multiple brands

    To configure a collection that includes multiple brands, include brand identifiers in an array. The maximum number of brands is limited to 5.

    <div id="shoplive-shortform"></div>
    <script defer>
      cloud.shoplive.setShortformCollection("shoplive-shortform", { 


    You can create a collection of which shortform videos are sorted by the key performance metrics.

    • sortProperty(metrics):  likeCount, viewCount, commentCount, shareCount, bookmarkCount

      sortDirection(order): asc, desc

    <div id="shoplive-shortform"></div>
    <script defer>
      cloud.shoplive.setShortformCollection("shoplive-shortform", {
        sortProperty: "viewCount",        // (optional) "likeCount" | "viewCount" | "commentCount" | "shareCount" | "bookmarkCount"
        sortDirection: "desc"             // (optional) "asc" | "desc"

    Random order

    Default shuffle

    The order of a shortform collection can be configured to be displayed randomly.

    <div id="shoplive-shortform"></div>
    <script defer>
      cloud.shoplive.setShortformCollection("shoplive-shortform", { 
        shuffle: true 

    Tags or brand shuffle

    It can be used in conjunction with list configuration by tag or brand.

    <div id="shoplive-shortform"></div>
    <script defer>
      cloud.shoplive.setShortformCollection("shoplive-shortform", { 
        tags: ["TAG1", "TAG2"],
        shuffle: true

    Shortform random playback policy

    If you click on a shortform from a list that is randomly generated, the order of the shortforms in the feed will also be randomly generated.

    Disabling auto play

    Turn off the feature that automatically plays the shortform videos in the collection when they are displayed on the screen.

    <div id="shoplive-shortform"></div>
    <script defer>
      cloud.shoplive.setShortformCollection("shoplive-shortform", { 
        disablePreviewVideoPlay: true 