Shoplive iOS/Android/JS SDK for eBay

    Shoplive iOS/Android/JS SDK for eBay

    기사 요약

    Shoplive iOS/Android/JS SDK for eBay

    Shoplive SDK Update (December 26, 2022)

    Android SDK 1.2.15

    • Fixed the issue related to onNewIntent() (PIP player is terminated when swiping down the screen multiple times)
    • Fixed the video/audio freezing issue after a few seconds of play on some devices
    • SDK download

    Shoplive SDK Update (November 9, 2022)

    Android SDK 1.2.14

    • Based on the security request, we removed android.permission.BLUETOOTH and added the filter (AudioManager.ACTION_AUDIO_BECOMING_NOISY) instead
      Fixed the issue that stopPictureInPicture is not working in some cases
    • SDK download

    Shoplive SDK Update (September 3, 2022)

    iOS SDK 1.2.13

    Android SDK 1.2.13


    Shoplive SDK Update (July 29, 2022)

    Android SDK 1.2.12

    • Web resource update
      • UI refinement (Radiuses on the comment and white item tiles)
      • Countdown timer update (Applied “Ideal” version)
      • Replay UI update
        • Comments and hearts should reach the same height before fading out.
        • The alignment of elements should be 16px on each side.
        • Replay should show the stream as it happened.
        • FYI - Default Lottie files need to be updated through the Shoplive admin tool. Shoplive will update the files)
      • Coupon update
        • Coupon text can be edited on the Shoplive admin tool.
        • FYI - Admin tool update will be pushed after the Gen Con event.
    • SDK download

    iOS SDK 1.2.12

    Shoplive JS SDK Update (July 14, 2022)

    SDK download

    Shoplive SDK Update (July 13, 2022)

    Android SDK 1.2.11

    • Web resource update
      • Scrim update (as guided in the eBay Figma)
      • Accessibility support (Show hide/show control button when voice-over is enabled on iOS/Android, Text alternative)
      • Quiz UI update
      • UI update if an item sells out
      • Improve carousel animation when adding a new item
    • Accessibility support
    • Improvements to the streaming experience
    • Removed unnecessary web resources from the SDK

    SDK download

    iOS SDK 1.2.11

    • Web resource update (same as Android 1.2.11)
    • Accessibility support
    • Improvements to the streaming experience
    • Fixed the iPad PIP UI issue

    SDK download

    Shoplive SDK Update (June 14, 2022)

    Android SDK

    • Added android:usesCleartextTraffic=“false” to the SDK

    SDK download

    Shoplive SDK Update (June 8, 2022)

    iOS SDK 1.2.10

    • Max length of user’s chat to 200

    SDK download

    Android SDK 1.2.10

    • Fixed the security issues
      • Issue 1 : DT - Android : Google Play Blocker: JavaScript Interface Injection
      • Issue 2 : DT - Android : Protect App Screens from 3rd Party Apps
    • Max length of user’s chat to 200

    SDK download

    Shoplive SDK Update (June 2, 2022)

    iOS SDK 1.2.9

    • Updated web resources to fix reconnect issue

    SDK download

    Android SDK

    • Updated web resources to fix reconnect issue

    SDK download

    Shoplive SDK Update (May 14, 2022 - Android SDK update only)

    Android SDK

    • Fixed NTVINSPO-6082 issue - Android PIP closed upon drawer navigation.

    SDK download

    Shoplive SDK Update (May 11, 2022)

    iOS SDK 1.2.8

    • Updated local web resources
      • Fixed NTVINSPO-6088 issue for iOS/Android - Watching state is not shared between bottom carousel and detail view
      • Fixed some UI issues

    SDK download

    Android SDK 1.2.8

    • Updated local web resources (same as iOS)
    • Fixed NTVINSPO-6082 issue - Android PIP closed upon drawer navigation (Need confirmation from eBay)

    SDK download

    Shoplive SDK Update (May 6, 2022)

    iOS SDK 1.2.7

    • Updated local web resources
      • Triggers EVENT_DEEPLINK even though a deep-link scheme has a NULL value. Not calling handleNavigation anymore.
      • Removed click events from the thumbnail and title UI of the item.
      • Improved to support accessibility
      • Fixed UI issues on the replay mode
    • Fixed placeholder text in native keyboard

    SDK download

    Android SDK 1.2.7

    • Updated local web resources (same as iOS)
    • Fixed some UI issues on the replay mode

    SDK download

    Shoplive SDK Update (Apr 29, 2022)

    iOS SDK 1.2.6

    • Added Error Handling Function
    • Support iPad 9:16 ratio
    • Updated resources packaged with SDK

    SDK download

    Android SDK 1.2.6

    • Added Error Handling Function
    • TaskAffinity has been removed
    • Default of setUsingLocalLanding is true
    • Updated resources packaged with SDK

    SDK download

    Shoplive SDK Update (Apr 22, 2022)

    iOS SDK 1.2.5

    • Packaged all resources with SDK
    • Fixed some issues with the Bluetooth keyboard
    • Fixed some issues when sharing from iPad

    SDK download

    Android SDK 1.2.5

    • Packaged all resources with SDK
    • Proof of testing / Static Analysis (attached)
    • Proof of testing / DAST (attached)
    • Fixed start-up time issue
    • Disconnect from the Activity listener
    • Proguard config applied

    SDK download


    • We have finished all the required updates on Android SDK based on the security review.
    • All resources (HTML, JS, CSS) are packaged with SDK from this version of iOS/Android SDK. This means SDK no longer uses a hard-coded endpoint ( This also means that if any changes are required on the Player side, we have to update the SDK accordingly.